
MG-01 Gavin’s Mill

Gavin s Mill, Milngavie

Gavin’s Mill sits where originally the centre of the old town of Milngavie would have been. The mill was the first known industry in Milngavie and played an important part in the town’s economy. It has been in Milngavie for centuries, although no specific date is known, it has been said that during James IV reign (1488-1513) the mill was already in use.
The origin of the name Milngavie is also derived from this grain mill. It has been said that it was built for the Duke of Montrose by someone named Guy, hence Mill o’ Guy. Whether Guy existed or not it is hard to say but the mills connection to the naming of Milngavie is definite, with the Burgh charter stating that the old meal mill of Garvie is where the town’s name comes from and the place name of Milgay seen on Dutch cartographer Timothy Pont’s 1654 map of the Lennox.
The mill operated until the twentieth century and then fell into disrepair. It has since been offices, a tearoom, restaurant and currently a Fair trade shop and café.

Old Milngavie – James Crawford
Milngavie in Old Picture Postcards Vol.2 – Sheena V Peters
Milngavie: The Village – Nigel Orr

Next Tale on the Trail: Colpis Ice Cream

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