
TO-08 Balgrochan Mill

Balgrochan Mill, Torrance

Balgrochan Mill is one of the oldest mills in the district. In 1630 the Earl of Montrose gave Robert Ferrie some land to build the mill. The Ferrie family worked the mill for 300 years. Farmers travelled from around the district to Balgrochan Mill with their corn.

Remains of the old cart roads can still be seen near the Plum at East Balgrochan Farm and West Balgrochan near Acre Valley Road.

The village of Torrance grew up around Balgrochan Mill providing cottages opposite the mill for workers. The mill employed local girls to work in the mills. Balgrochan Mill had a second largest water wheel in Scotland. There were 4 burns that provided the water to power the wheel to produce Ferries oatmeal. Balgrochan Mill owned the rights for the water from the 4 burns and employed a man to maintain the burns and keep the water flowing down to the mill forming a dam.

A local man, John Black Morrison was the manager of Balgrochan Mill.

Alison Graham

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