
KW-09 Red Phone Box

K8 Kiosks, made in Kirkintilloch

The pair of the iconic red phone boxes you are standing beside are examples of the K6 kiosk and were made here in Kirkintilloch at the Lion Foundry. You can also see an excellent example inside the Auld Kirk Museum.

In 1966 the Lion Foundry was successful in obtaining one of the first contracts for the distinctive new K8 type of red telephone kiosk. At that date the foundry had been supplying the more familiar multi-paned K6 type of kiosk for many years. At first the Lion shared the orders for K8 kiosks with other foundries, but eventually became the sole supplier and produced the design in very large numbers. Sadly, the foundry became too dependant on this product, and when orders dried up the foundry closed, at the end of 1984.

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