Rainwater goods

05.08.21 / By Hannah Willetts / The Foundry Collection at the Auld Kirk Museum
  • ornamental pipes

Here in Kirkintilloch, we take drainage seriously.
There isn’t a pipe, gutter or rainwater head Kirky couldn’t make in cast iron.

Each foundry specialised in different types of casting but with the rain up here in Scotland, it’s no surprise that more than one foundry produced rainwater goods.

Southbank Ironworks (1861-1981), aka Star Foundry, became best known for its rainwater goods but The Lion Foundry (1893-1984) also produced numerous drainage products. Kirky offered every type of cast iron pipe and fixing imaginable for all needs and requirements: round rainwater pipes and connections, soil and ventilating pipes, square pipes, gratings — you name it!

There were also various ‘ornamental’ options including pipes, rainwater heads, ears, projecting holder ears, projecting ear belts, gutters and more.
There are some beautiful examples in the Lion Foundry’s illustrated catalogue of cast iron manufactures, 1895, and on some of our print blocks in the Foundry Collection.

We’d love to find out if any still exist out there! Lion Foundry products can be found all over the UK and in some unexpected places.
Please get in touch with us at the Auld Kirk Museum if you know of any near you.