Music and sound at Baljaffray Nursery

Children at Baljaffrey nursery learned about how Bearsden developed alongside the railway, the people that commuted to work in Glasgow and what Bearsden was like before the railway, looking at pictures of the fields and farms. We found out about the Baljaffrey mine and how this was represented in the school logo. Over 6 sessions the children made music with things that you might find on a farm, in an office (typewriter, rotary phone), in a school (chalk, marbles, school bell, wooden rulers), down a mine (Musical instruments and tools, our voices) and at home (Carpet beater, sweeping brush, metal bucket, cod bottle, egg beater) . We had fun creating the sound of a steam train, and recording our car journeys (our voices, car horn) that took us on adventures in time with Katie Bairdie. We loved saying rhymes and singing Coulter’s Candy! The children recorded their own sounds using iPad and created soundscapes using the Loopy app.You can listen to their work here: